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Author: taylorh

A.E.I. Law > Articles posted by taylorh

Can I register a copyright for a musical composition and sound recording in one application? Answer: YES!

Copyright Law

            Registering a copyright with the United States Copyright  Office at copyright.gov seems like it should be a fairly simple thing to do; go to the website, fill out the application, upload your copyrighted work, pay the fee, click submit, and you’re done.  However, it can be a daunting task once you get into the application and you are faced with legal questions about claimants, authors, types of work, and...

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Can you trademark your hashtag?

Hashtag trademark

What is a hashtag? A “hashtag” is a form of metadata that is created by utilizing the “hash”, “pound”, “number” a.k.a. “hashtag” symbol (i.e., “#”) followed by a word or phrase without space. Meta data is something online (i.e. data, such as #YOURBRAND) that when searched gives information about something else (i.e., other data such as pictures of your products or information about your services).  So, typically a hashtag is used when you do an online post so...

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